Statement regarding the former Futurist Site:
It is disappointing that Flamingo Land has pulled out of the development of the former Futurist site. Sadly, this is entirely the fault of poor leadership at Scarborough Borough Council. Since the demolition of the former theatre in 2018, only Flamingo Land came forward with a plan to develop the site in a way that would bring visitors, jobs, and much needed investment into the seafront area.
Shortly after Labour took leadership of the Council in May 2019, it was reported that new Council Leader Cllr. Steve Siddons had called for a “new vision” for the site but offered no specific proposals. Again, in February 2020, Council Leader Siddons said he was open minded about the site, called for a “new vision” and would set up a task group that would submit proposals “in the next few months”.
Fast-forward to January 2022, the “new vision” hasn’t materialised so Cllr. Siddons informs the Council that the original plans are progressing, and he was “continuing to work with Flamingo Land”. It is disappointing that Cllr. Siddons chose to inform Council of continued dialogue when there was none.
In their statement Flamingo Land stated: "Flamingo Land has not discussed our plans for the Futurist with Cllr. Siddons since shortly after he became Council Leader a number of years ago… Cllr. Siddons' recent comments regarding the Scarborough Councils continuing work with Flamingo Land on proposals for the former Futurist site could not be further from the truth.”
It is disappointing that the only viable alternative to the big wheel has been squandered. However, most investors will only stay on hold for a short period of time, we are surprised that Flamingo Land exercised the amount of patience they did with Cllr. Siddons.
Former cabinet member Cllr David Chance who previously held the Tourism & Leisure Portfolio from 2012-15 added:
“Cllr. Siddons has often talked about a “New Vision” for the site and a “New Vision” for the Borough. Instead, he decided to fall back on the old vision and, after dithering on that, he now has no vision”.